
Showing posts from 2024

Fear and sisterhood

A few days ago, Molly, already in a state of some annoyance, saw Louise eating Easter chocolatem got to her feet and shouted.  ‘Hey! That’s my chocolate you’re eating!’ Louise, a look of terror on her face, tried to defend herself. ‘I didn’t know! It was in the box, it’s my box!’ The two boxes were very similar. It was an easy mistake. Molly stormed about, slamming things and muttering about how she didn’t like other people touching her belongings, especially food! I put my arm around Louise and looked into her teary face. ‘You made a mistake. It’s not so terrible.’ ‘But Molly’s cross’ she said, her eyes wide and worried. I put extra effort into supporting Molly in the following couple of days. After a period of relative calm she had a couple of meltdowns and I tried different approaches, trying to be patient and understanding, but also losing my cool on occasion. It ended each time in a heart to heart cuddle on the sofa. The second time I got a note explaining what had prompted the ex

International Women's Day

I find it hard. 👩🏽 I am a white, able-bodied, heterosexual, university-educated, mother of three healthy children with an employed supportive partner, also supported by the state in the country I migrated to. 🍀 I have so many layers of privilege, and even I find it hard. 👨🏽 I find it hard to be a woman in a world where patriarchal societies are the norm. 🦋 I find it hard to maintain motivation for the values-driven work I am involved in with  Madame Papillon , supporting women after burnout (caused in part by the hustle culture of those patriarchal societies) when it is still voluntary work (although that third subsidy request hasn't been rejected yet...) and the household bills seem to multiply. 🚸 I find it hard to bring up my children to know their own minds, think critically when presented with information and recognise their needs while acting with kindness and integrity when they are exposed to an unregulated and unsafe online world, and a real world where inspiring sto