New Year's Eve

Today I spent the whole day alone with my litle girl. I haven't done that since October, and in the days leading up to today we have had so many people around taking Elsie off for walks, preparing her food, reading to her, that I was actually a bit concerned about how I'd manage it. Being 38 weeks pregnant and running around with a two year old is not everyone's idea of a restful holiday.

I was totally unprepared for the fun we had. We made thank you cards with sticky glittery stars and photos. We rolled out pastry and used new Christmas cookie cutters to make little mince pie hearts and bells. We went out to the supermarket ('delHAIZE') and did the washing and unloaded the dishwasher - all the boring everyday things that are a tad more interesting when you have a little one shadowing you and pointing out the things you might miss ('Daddy t-shirt, WET!'). We had serious conversations ('Mummy tummy BIG!' 'Yes, because there's a baby inside it' 'babby, inside, [thoughtful nod] hmm'), listened to music ('ferge jagger, ferge jagger...') and read books. I noticed how chatty she's becoming; repeating new words she heard me say, bringing out her own.

I'm grateful for all the help we've been getting in recent days, and God knows we're going to need it in the near future. I'm happy to have such a wonderful hands-on husband, but especially in these days when we are still a family of three, I am incredibly grateful for the time I have alone with my amazing little Elsie.


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