She ain't wrong

I stand in line behind an older woman, look over the couques spread out in front of me. The woman is handed her baguette and says she hasn't seen this market stall in St Gilles recently.

'Oh no, madame!' the baker says, ' I don't go there anymore, Sundays are off my list. It's my age you see.'

'You're right,' the woman says, 'you can't work all the time.'

'As it is, I do Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, FRIDAYS!' the baker settles into the conversation. 'And it's early starts...'

The older woman continues to sympathise, and they turn to me for confirmation.

'Everyone needs to rest from time to time.' I agree.

The women in front of me turns to face me and looks hard into my eyes. 'Il faut vivre, Madame!'


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